FAQ doctors
Accessing the App
For doctors and secretaries currently only web access is available. There are no mobile versions
- ACCESS: You can access the app via
- countymedical.co.uk or
- Via link on our website countymedical.co.uk
- Then click on relevant portal
- SIGN UP: If you have not previously signed up you will need to do so by clicking signup
- You will need to entre your details as per signup form
- Entre either your GMC number, if you are a doctor, or your professional registration number, if you are a paramedical professional
- Choose a password, this need to be 10 character long with an upper- and lower-case alphabet, a number and a symbol.
- Read and accept the terms and conditions
- You will then be sent an authorisation code to your phone which you will need to entre to access the site.
- LOGIN: If you have previously signed up the login with your email and pass word followed by the authorisation code to entre.
- FORGOT PASSWORD: If you have forgotten your password use forget password facility
Managing your profile
- NB: remember to press save at the bottom otherwise information entered won’t be saved
Once in the site you will need to CREATE A PROFILE for yourself by pressing the icon on the top right of the screen, with your name, and clicking on my profile
- Under PERSONAL INFORMATION you can review and add to information about yourself, including a link to your personal website if available and upload a profile picture.
- Under PROFESSIONAL INFORMATION you can review your information and entre your charge rates, qualifications, affiliations and procedures you undertake. Some are from drop down menus controlled by the admin panel but others you can add to. We can always add to the dropdown menu if required.
- Under CONTACT INFORMATION you can entre your telephone number, email, and Your address. You can make multiple entries for each by pressing the + icon. Please check whether you want this to be visible to the public or not by setting the visibility button accordingly. You can check this by pressing view public profile. The publicly visible contact details will be included in any prescriptions mailed out and visible to the patient. It is important to choose a region or multiple regions as this helps when patients search.
- Please ensure you hide any emails, telephone numbers and addresses you don’t want the public to see by unclicking the show on public profile button
- Under SCHEDULE you can set you availability. They will be in default setting, but you can reset. At the bottom of the screen decide the duration of the consultation and the buffer period between consultations.
- You can make multiple sessions per day by entering the start and end times for each session in the relevant box field. Please note that a twelve-hour time system is used so do be aware of am/pm timings
- The bottom most box should always read 12am – 12am
- If you don’t want to be available on a day or don’t want to use an existing session set the relevant box to start and finish at the same time. Please ensure it does not clash with existing timings. Dialogue boxes will help you. Remember to press save at the end.
- Please note midday in this setup is 12 pm
- If you want to apply changes to a specific date or period, such as being on leave, choose the select date option and fill accordingly.
- You secretary can also manage you schedule for you.
- Under SECRETARY you can add a secretary to your account
- You can do so by pressing add account and filling in the details and then letting her know the details, she can reset the password
- Or you can ask an existing secretary to join you by requesting her on your profile. In this case the secretary receives an email which she will need to open on the web and accept. She will be taken to a login page, where she enters her existing credentials, then return to the original e mail page and accept again, after refreshing the new doctor’s activities should appear on her portal.
- You can see which secretary is working for you in the manage tab and you can delete a secretary from here.
- The secretary will have the same access to you platform as your self except, she won’t be able to manage your profile other than your schedule and won’t be able to issue prescriptions, effect or see video consultation or see recordings. She will however be able to see and accept consultation requests, see patient profiles, chat with patients and delete/ download/ upload documents.
- Under ACCOUNT SETTING you can control your account details, including changing password and you will be able to upload id documents securely to the admin portal. You will also be able to create an online signature for yourself – though this is not necessary as you documents are digitally signed.
Accepting and managing consultation requests
- For doctors to be visible to the patients their account has to be activated from the admin panel – Please email admin@countymedical.co.uk if there are any issues.
- This is the doctors landing page it shows the schedule with available slots. Those slots already booked with be highlighted in blue and the doctor will be able to see the patients details by clicking on the relevant box and then patient profile
- Here you will be able to see all the appointment request, those that are upcoming and those that are active as well as those closed
- By clicking on the patient icon you will be able to see more of their details
- When a request for an appointment is made you will be able to see the request for and the patient profile and payment method. You can accept, reject or ask to reschedule a request. If you reject you will need to give a reason by entering in a dialogue box, if you request to reschedule this reverts back to the patient and then accepted if the patient agrees.
- Once accepted you still have the option to reschedule the patient. Payment if needed is deducted once you accept the patient
- Please ensure the patient has entered pharmacy details if they will require an online prescription and Gp details if needed.
- Your secretary can also do this
- Here you can see all the patients you have accepted and you can search for them
- Once a patient is accepted a chat facility opens under consultations and you or your secretary can chat with the patient, upload documents and pictures as well as voice message
- At the appropriate time you can call the patient and this can be a voice or video call and can be recorded or not depending on your discretion. The patient does not have the facility to call you and currently there are no time restriction on when you can call or for how long. Please ensure that the web browser is set to allow popups as the call will open in a separate window so that you can still see the patient profile. If the call fails or is interrupted you can call back after a 30 second interval.
- From the consultation/ chat page of the appropriate patient you can also issue a fitness certificate or write a prescription. This is by pressing the six dot icon on the top right. If you open the prescription window and press click to button, it allows you to prescribe medicines, which can be done from the drop down menu or added by typing. You can also request procedures or tests which are via drop down menus or order investigations which available as free typing facility. You can also write a note which is a letter, this can be copy and pasted from word document done separately using voice transcription.
- To end the consultation press the end consultation button via the six dot icon, this takes you to the close consultation page where you can entre the outcome and add notes to the pharmacy and GP. When you press submit here the consultation closes and chat window becomes inactive. The pharmacy receives a prescription of any medicines you have prescribed and the GP receives a email containing all the information you have entred in the via the prescription including investigation, medicines prescribed and the note you have made. This prescription and recording if made is saved on your and the patients portal.
- The pharmacy on receiving the prescription will contact the patient and post the prescription after receiving payments.
- Once the consultation is ended, the patient can rate you which will be visible on your profile.
Regulators and defence organisations views on remote consultation and registration requirements
- The GMC’s view on remote consultations can be accessed here.
- The GMC’s views on remote prescribing can be accessed here
- The CQC have advised us that we do not need to register with them. Their view was- “I conclude, that at this time, I do not believe that you require registration with CQC. This is because, while you offer a platform for doctors/specialists and private hospitals to deliver on-line consultations, County Medical Healthcare Limited are not responsible for the on-going direction and control of the care and treatment of the patient. That responsibility sits with the individual practitioner. In this case, the individual practitioner would be required to demonstrate their requirements or exemptions to register with CQC.”
- The CQC exemption from registration criteria can be accessed here.
- The RCGP advise on remote consultation can be accessed here.
- The Doctors Defence Services advise regarding remote consultations including prescribing to patients based abroad can be accessed here.
- The MDUs advise on remote consultations can be accessed here.
The MDDUSs advise on remote consultations can be accessed here.